Birdwell Community Association 75th Anniversary
It’s Fun Time, It’s Dance Time It’s the Birdwell Community Centre EASTER BUNNY KIDS/FAMILY DISCO On The 31st of March 2023 5pm to 8pm Fancy Dress/Easter Bonnet Competition Prizes Refreshments available Entrance by Ticket Only £2 per Person (babies come free) (Tickets from Julie Phillips 07599 759941) (or Donna Cox
It’s Fun Time, It’s Dance Time It's the Birdwell Community Centre EASTER BUNNY KIDS/FAMILY DISCO On The 31st of March 2023 5pm to 8pm Fancy Dress/Easter Bonnet Competition Prizes Refreshments available Entrance by Ticket Only £2 per Person (babies come free) (Tickets from Julie Phillips 07599 759941) (or Donna Cox
A WARM SPACE JUST FOR YOU, AT BIRDWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE TURN YOUR THERMOSTAT DOWN AND USE OURS FOR A WHILE EVERY FRIDAY, STARTING JANUARY 13th WE ARE HOSTING (Free to everyone) 9am to 1pm, a warm welcome, a warm room, a warm drink and biscuits. Call in for as long