Easter Bunny Family Disco

It’s Fun Time, It’s Dance Time It’s the Birdwell Community Centre EASTER BUNNY KIDS/FAMILY DISCO On The 31st of March 2023 5pm to 8pm Fancy Dress/Easter Bonnet Competition Prizes Refreshments available Entrance by Ticket Only £2 per Person (babies come free) (Tickets from Julie Phillips 07599 759941) (or Donna Cox


Easter Bunny Family Disco

It’s Fun Time, It’s Dance Time It's the Birdwell Community Centre EASTER BUNNY KIDS/FAMILY DISCO On The 31st of March 2023 5pm to 8pm Fancy Dress/Easter Bonnet Competition Prizes Refreshments available Entrance by Ticket Only £2 per Person (babies come free) (Tickets from Julie Phillips 07599 759941) (or Donna Cox


Warm Space

A WARM SPACE JUST FOR YOU, AT BIRDWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE TURN YOUR THERMOSTAT DOWN AND USE OURS FOR A WHILE EVERY FRIDAY, STARTING JANUARY 13th WE ARE HOSTING (Free to everyone) 9am to 1pm, a warm welcome, a warm room, a warm drink and biscuits. Call in for as long

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